
About me

About me

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Thanks for checking this page. I am Sean, a queer immigrant who mostly grew up in Canada. My university years were one of great discoveries about myself and others. 

One of the discovery I made, is that many people with whom I share a lot in common with can be unaccepting of my then hidden sexual orientation, and I had to turn away many friendships because of this.

This prompted me to wonder, had I been straight, would I have been the same? And more importantly, is it possible that I too am being behaving unjustly towards any group of people? 

This made me more empathetic and I started paying attention to the suffering of others. My greatest concern to date, is the increasing wealth disparity fuelled by capitalism and exasperated by AI and automation. 

Not everyone is suited for competition nor does everyone wish to compete, but everyone's livelihood has been affected by the unsatiable race for profit. I pondered about human nature and a solution. We cannot simply convince people to be good nature, but we can create the environment conducive to it. That's when the idea of TownSquare emerged. 

I eventually quit my finance job and oriented towards IT to make it happen, learning how to code while holding full time jobs. The progress has been slow, but today after 10 years, I finally acquired enough knowledge to make it happen.

Currently, I am looking for a full time job to sustain myself and my family as I code TownSquare on the weekends, preferably over $60k annum. If you are hiring or know someone who is, please let me know using the email below. My experience and LinkedIn page can be found here.

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